Time is ticking along in Saint Go... can see that this 7 months is going to pass fairly fast. Can't believe that Christmas isn't far away!
Picture number one: tasty things to eat. Problem: I eat things, enjoy them, and promptly forget the name. So, this caramel something-or-other was very tasty, but I'd have to go back to La Mie Câline and read the sign next to them to remember its name. Oops.

About 4 days ago, I said in an email that it wasn't too cold here yet. I take it back. There have been some bloody freezing days since then. Hooray for central heating, though. 'Cos it's nice and toasty inside! There are some great mountain views, though.

Have joined a band, which I'm super happy about, and am trying to learn to improvise. Eek! This should be helped by the fact that I didn't bring any flute music with me, so am reduced to trying to play along with/improvise to songs I have in iTunes if I want to practice. For someone who's generally tied to her music, this is quite a change! Poor neighbours, is all I have to say.
On Friday night, went to an apéro with Xavier and some teachers who... I think... were from the lycée. It was a cool evening, as they were all really nice, and one teacher's cute two-year-old was also there. And, there was Wii... Below is a Spain vs France battle!

Am delighted to have found a second-hand tv for 15E.

I love garage sales. The guy there was trying to sell me a dress: "Mademoiselle, for you... this. One Saturday night... it's for you!" Haha. Instead, I was tempted by the tv, a coat, and a crêpe with lemon and sugar. Apparently, one of the guys had just been trying to convince the crêpe-maker that noone would order lemon and sugar crêpes, so she was quite pleased that I proved him wrong. I think it was all money well-spent, especially since I got a slave to carry it back to my place! Oh, and women exclaiming over my curly hair, and saying it was like dolls' hair.

Xavier emerged when I got home, as I'd told him about the tv, and pretty much knelt down in front of it and began worshipping. Like I said, small town. ;p He then disappeared into his room again, and came out with a Spanish text about tv that he had been working on with his students. I was given 10 minutes to read and then forced to recount what I had understood, in Spanish. Well, ok, I was fairly willing.
I then got made fun of for spreading into the 'lounge' as I'm drying laundry in my room. His theory is that, as a New Zealander, I'm used to having a lot of space. He then did the following calculations...

His conclusion is that, given the space I'm accustomed to in NZ, I probably need the whole building that we're in. I just said I hoped he'd locked his room as, since he's away for the weekend, he might come back and find I've taken that over too!
Am currently trying to organise a visit to Sabrina, who has just got an English-teaching job in Sens, not too far from Paris (yay!), so that will be fun!