On day 2, I decided to do a bus tour, since Mum, Dad, and I had enjoyed many of them during our travels. This one was not such a good call, as it was only an hour long and was not hop-on-hop-off. Plus, it was kinda wet, so the usually open-topped bus had a plastic cover, which meant it wasn't even really worth taking photos 'cos of rain drops, and 'cos it was fogging up a bit. However, did get to relax, out of the rain, for an hour, while seeing sights (many of which I'd already passed on foot) and learning a bit more about them.
After that, decided to take off on foot again, and revisit some of the places the tour had been on, to get better photos.
Decided to lunch the French way, and headed into a resto that I stumbled across, where I had a very nice Boeuf Bourgignon and chocolate mousse. Very, very tasty. Just as well, as it was about 20E... yeah, that's right. I paid about NZ$40 for lunch. I actually didn't expect it to be that expensive, but hey. It was very nice.
Went wandering again after lunch. Bad call. Or, at least, bad call to try to protect myself from the rain with just a jacket. My pants got soaked through: at the base because I hadn't tucked them into my boots, and at the top because of the water running off my jacket. Then, to top it all off, cars driving past on the Pont de Pierre actually splashed me. Epic fail.
I retreated to the hostel to dry out and try to stop feeling grumpy. Made the most of French tv (another luxury I haven't yet got at my place), and planned some lessons. Met a girl who studies international relations, and spoke very good English.
Ventured out again in the evening, when the rain had eased, and got some nice night-time shots.
That night: luxury. Had the 2-person room to myself. Alriiiiiiiiiight!
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