Turns out they are the PE teachers (or, rather, EPS: éducation physique et sportive), and they are going rock climbing that arvo. I am now invited. Luckily for me, they were able to lend me all the gears, including appropriate shoes.
Anywho, off we go, with about 15 students, to some cliff face in Troubat. I think it was about 20 mins drive from Saint Gaudens, but I was pretty busy looking at the scenery along the way, and didn't really take notice of the time passing!
We arrived, and I decided to sit back and contemplate for a while. To be honest, I was thinking that I was way out of my depth. Sure, I'd been rock climbing before... on indoor walls... about 10 years ago... and maybe *once* on an outdoor wall. The kids all looked like they knew what they were doing!
And the cliff face was looking kinda tall.
Also, there were plenty of nice views to keep me entertained.
Eventually, I was encouraged by the teacher who invited me to have a go. First ... I do not know what to call it in English. Jeje, that's funny. First path, I guess: success. Eventually.
Second path: some falling (note amusement on aforementioned teacher's face).
But, again, evenutal success.
I still didn't get as high as this dude, though.
All in all, a cool (and totally unexpected) afternoon. Memories were not even marred by discovering numerous bruises and stiff muscles the next day!
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