Random reflections really describes a lot of this blog rather well.
Anyways, have had complaints (ok, complaint) about the length of time between posts. Hopefully the quantity being uploaded now makes up for that. ;p Just spread out actually reading them... Ha.
Had only a couple of days to fill in before Sabrina arrived to visit. Since it had been about 3 years since we last saw each other (and last time was in NZ), it was pretty crazy to meet up on the other side of the world! And really good to see her again.
Of course, it rained on the day she arrived, and the next day. Well done, Saint Gaudens. Hardly ever rains, except for when I have visitors. That makes twice!
There were many amusing times during the week, so guess I'll just list a few:
- cooking for 2 in my pathetic 'kitchen'
- randomly walking past the movies on All Saints' Day evening and finding that there were enough people there to have a queue out the door
- Sabrina continually getting big frights about not much (eg cyclist ringing bell behind us, lady coming out of a shop unexpectedly)
- making our own nightclub in my room, since SG doesn't have anything except bars
- making friends with the drivers of the 'navettes' (shuttles which go around town, and to nearby towns)
- attempting the exercises for the local fitness trail (and discovering a few new muscles the next day)
- managing (twice) to unknowingly pick the day that there was a discount at the movies to go and see one
- hiring an Australian tap-dancing movie because the video shop man recommended it when we asked about dance movies
- Sabrina explaining to me that if I use the word 'copine' for friend, and say my copine, it means my girlfriend. Luckily, I normally use 'amie' and, apparently, this doesn't work the same way. Otherwise, I could quite unwittingly have been telling people about my girlfriend.
- Sabrina randomly making conversation with the local Australian.

Also several good food moments:
- Calissons d'Aix: praline-y iced sweet things that Sab brought
- Lemon Tart: Just from La Mie Câline, but super tasty! Thank goodness for the actual lemon on the top though, or it'd have been too rich (even for me)
- Peanut butter: Sab found it in the 'world' aisle at one of the supermarkets
- Cherry pâtisserie thing: have really got to start remembering the names of things that I eat
- Super fromage crêpe: about 5 types of cheese in a single crêpe = guaranteed happiness
- Nutella crêpe: simple, yet tasty

Am now resolved to slowly work my way through many unfamiliar types of food. Although, I'm not too sure about stuff like rabbit. I saw a menu board today advertising a rabbit dish and it just doesn't appeal. We'll see if I get brave.
great one :)