Tales of my time as an English language assistant in France!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Game, Sète, Match (2)

That's right, I'm loving all of the puns you can make with this town's name. ;p

As I had the city pass, today was the day to use my 'audio guided tour' voucher. There were multiple routes to choose from, but I picked the Quartier Haut, which was pretty much Old Sète and the Cimitière Marin... which I reckon was a good one.

Took me past several things, including:

Décanale de Saint Louis: Major church of the town. Note the huge statue of the Virgin Mary on top. Apparently, it used to be gold, but time has worn it down!
Another interesting fact: every year during the festival of 'The Great Pardoning of Saint Pierre,' (in July), they have a kind of procession in which they take the statue of the patron saint of fishermen from the chapelle des Pénitents to this church.

Nice views down towards the port, and lots of nice, little houses. The 'Quartier Haut' was
also often called 'Little Naples,' as it was full of Italian fishermen who had come to ply their trade in the town.

Checked out the marine cemetery, made famous by a poem by Settois poet Paul Valery, and which I've talked about in another post (with panorama!).

Did a bit of a cruise around that area before heading down to the Mole Saint Louis: a long promontory built in 1666. There's also a panoramic view from here in another post. ;p

Had been planning a cheapo lunch, but then walked past one of the restaurants where I could
use my free apéritif voucher at and got tempted. But that's another story (blog post)...

After my huge lunch, I went and sat on the canal side writing a letter to Mum and Dad, and
fighting the (very strong) urge to fall asleep in the sun.

Knew I had to get moving to get up Mont St Clair (ie the mountain - or, at least, it felt like it) before the sun disappeared. Highest point measures 182 metres! This sight-seeing activity had been recommended to me by one of the guys who works in the youth hostel. He was right; amazing views!

That night, I decided I hadn't seen enough of Sète before leaving, so went on a massive wander
around town and tried out the twilight setting on my camera.

Back up to the hostel for dinner, where I got into a big conversation with the hostel worker about travel, and chocolate as an antidote for stress.

When I got back to my dorm room, I had to check that the view was still there... it was.

Day 3 was very short as, by the time I'd had brekky, it was time to head to the station. However, I managed to take a few pix along the way.

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