Sabrina had the brilliant idea of doing a pub quiz, so we went to a couple of different English pub-style places to ask when the quiz nights were.
The first pub ended up as a bit of an epic fail. Firstly, we didn't know which language to speak when asking, so went with French. When they replied (in French) we were like, ok, they were English speakers. Anyway, they told us the night (maybe Thurs; I now can't remember) and the time. So, Sabrina and I went to a movie, and then had about an hour to spare. Went for a big wander around... Sabrina invited her friend, Aziz, to join us... About half an hour in advance, we go to the pub. There's pretty much no-one there. So, we ask the bartender (in English, this time) if the quiz night's still on. He tells us that no, exceptionally, there is no quiz tonight. And we realise that he's a French speaker. Fail. We never pick the right language!
So, we are now in town with nothing to do, and Aziz is on his way. Sabrina suggests checking out another pub: the Rebuffy. This was a great success as, not only did they have very nice mulled wine for me (!), they had lots of board/card games that you could play. Therefore, instead of pub-quizzing, our evening was spent Uno-ing and Abalone-ing. I, personally, had never heard of the latter, but it certainly is a good way to make an hour or so disappear!
As you can see from the level of concentration here, it was serious business. Also, Aziz is awesome 'cos he also let me use Skype at his place - on 2 occasions! :)
Another evening, another pub quiz, and Sabrina and I were really hoping it wouldn't be called off this time! However, it was the Vert anglais and not the first pub we'd tried, so we had a good feeling... That started to fade when the hour the quiz was due to start came and went. However, eventually, we began.
Sabrina and I discovered that we weren't too gifted at the whole pub quiz thing. There was a particularly infuriating round where the guy played a song and we had to name the artist. So many where we were like "I should know this..." And the final round, when we were given pictures of cars and asked to name the make and model. Ugh. Needed my brother/Dad; we would've won.
However, despite what was probably an epic loss, we ending up sharing the third-place-winner's wine with him! Randomly enough, he'd spent some time living in Austrlia. What are the odds?!

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